Let’s Talk Trash.

But no, seriously (real trash)! Subscribe to Trash Talk: our short, monthly newsletter for simple tips on sustainable living,
climate change basics, and intros to Climate Club community members.

Hi from the creator 👋🏼

Hey, friends! 

In 2016, during a gap year, I stumbled upon The True Cost, a documentary covering a clothing factory collapse in 2013. I was shocked to discover how much manual labor was still involved in making our clothes and the negative impacts fast fashion had on our planet — from pollution to unfair worker treatment. 

I started asking more questions: Where does my food come from? How do my purchases affect others? Fast forward a few years, I now know that climate change is complex and multifaceted. I also know that while I can’t make a difference alone, there is power in collaboration, creativity, and community. And that’s where Climate Club Friends comes in.

If this piques your interest, I hope you’ll join the club or reach out to say hi and ask me more about it! 

Looking forward to connecting, 

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Have something to share? Want to be collab? Send us a DM or email climateclubfriends@gmail.com.